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A closer look at the first ‘alien’ asteroid to pay us a visit

It’s truly uncommon that we get any guests from outside the close planetary system. Actually, stargazers trust they just spotted one out of the blue prior this month when a question that is presumably a space rock whipped by us.

The already obscure space shake, right now assigned A/2017 U1, dropped into our nearby planetary group from over the flattish ecliptic plane where most planets, space rocks and comets local to our framework turn around the sun. It then slingshotted around our star and pull out to profound space, however not before researchers showed signs of improvement take a gander at the guest.

closer look at the first ‘alien’ asteroid

By looking at the asteroid’s trajectory, scientists have determined that A/2017 U1 likely came from the direction of the star Vega and the constellation Lyra. It began a close approach to the sun in September, then swung around the star and passed within 15 million miles of Earth on Oct. 14. Problem is, it wasn’t spotted until Oct. 18, when it was already heading away from us.

Still, telescopes and astronomers swung into action to observe the retreating visitor. The Liverpool Telescope in the Canary Islands managed to capture this cool sequence last week of the vagabond minor planet.



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